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Begin Affiliate Marketing Without A Website

Building a website or running a blog in a niche market is probably the most common way to promote affiliate offers and if you are passionate about a topic or you want to have a long term sustainable business I suggest this is going to end up as your strategy.

But – if you wanted to offer affiliate offers without the long term benefits of a website, there are definitely other ways to get your affiliate links out there to enable you to do your affiliate marketing without a website.

The basics of affiliate marketing is to get your affiliate link out to as much relevant traffic as possible – so with that in mind it’s not hard to do:


So as the most basic form of earning money from affiliate marketing is getting people to purchase through your affiliate link, then you need to get your affiliate link in front of eyes – the best place to do this is by posting articles or comments on forums and blog posts – a good suggestion is make honest and decent blog post and forum comments but have your affiliate link in your signature, for example:


Clearly you need to make your comments/ articles relevant to the audience – so look up good forums on your topic and become a participant in conversations – this shouldn’t be hard to do if  you have chosen a niche you are actually interested in.

Must Watch: How A 28-yr- Old Got Fired &Then Built A $500k-A-Month Business ⇒ 


Viral products are labelled so because they spread to a lot of people really fast – and common sense tells you this is good if you are presenting a product or affiliate link – especially without a website.

It’s not difficult to produce a 30-page eBook or some sort of ‘special report’ on your topic and have it loaded with your affiliate products or links.  You can spread this product any way you like, you can give it away (which is not uncommon as you make money on the affiliate commissions), you can sell the actually book or you can ask to promote it on other people’s websites (usually for a small kickback).  If you seriously cannot write your own eBook, by all means look at PLR or pay someone to write for you.

Make, as always, your book or article is full of quality content not just laden with affiliate links and obvious sells – that way it will spread way better… clearly think about what YOU would like in an eBook. You can even list an eBook on eBay




I’m a massive fan of YouTube and have seen it grow to be almost on par with Google for people searching for information! It gets over 1 billion unique visitors per month – even my 80 year old mum goes on YouTube!!!beginaffiliatemarketingcom12

Use this platform if you are not already.  All you need is a camera (I initially just used my webcam and phone) and some great small vids promoting your product – attach your affiliate links to your YouTube video description (or over your video, which I recommend) and send traffic to the affiliate landing page – No Website Involved!

I have 2 types of YouTube Channels – one that lists all different products for sale but the viewer can’t see all the different products (Sniper Channel) or a PowerHouse Channel which is where you list all your videos and start to build a brand.

Either way you MUST comply with a couple of rules:

  1. The content has to be full of value for viewers. Financial gain has to be secondary to this. 
    If your video is obviously just there for you to make money from a link, you will get listed as spam, and your efforts will become useless. Producing something worthwhile is a lot more successful, and you get the attention and respect of potential customers that way.
  2. Don’t be misleading! 
    If your video is unrelated to your link, or your title or description claims something that isn’t in the video, you are violatingYouTube’s policies. This is also something to avoid.

So long as you learn how to do your marketing correctly on YouTube you will be ok – but as with all marketing spamming is not cool – avoid this if you are serious about building a quality business!  By this I mean:

  • Be honest and give product reviews based on honesty and integrity
  • Create good information videos (do demonstrations yourself)
  • Quality information will keep your audience coming back so be relevant

Make sure you’re are upfront with your marketing and completely transparent, no hiding the fact you are promoting a product and you are an affiliate – then use all your other methods (social) to promote your video also.


You can write ads or reviews for affiliate products and post them with your affiliate link on classified websites such as :

This is easy and you can split test by writing different ads and seeing what works – super cost effective and best yet – you earn money without a website!


By building a ‘hub’ you can talk about and promote your affiliate product without building a website. By being here you create a ‘space’ to talk about and converse with others about your product and niche you are passionate about and promote your affiliate link also.beginaffiliatemarketingcom_hubpages

It’s hosted by Hubpages and you really do not need to know anything about web design or building websites – seriously check this one out!

A hub allows you to promote any way you like, you can insert ads, banners, reviews, articles all the content (hopefully quality!!) – basically promoting without a website!

As you go on there you’ll become more interested as it’s more than just a promo site, you can really use your social networking there and attract traffic that is seriously interested in your topic.

It’s easy to sign up and start creating your Hub – no excuses!



Ok – Of course I prefer to share with you NON-paying ways to promote your products, however, as you get more prolific and want to really get out there in a big way – you can create pay-per-click campaigns through Google and Bing and promote your affiliate link and product.

Google has recently changed it’s ppc ads structure, but by all means look into this, however you don’t really have a lot of control of your ads and it can get costly without the results you want.

If you are a new affiliate you may want to try some free options first and then as you learn more then move to ppc.

Must Watch: How A 28-yr- Old Got Fired &Then Built A $500k-A-Month Business ⇒ 


Ok, I’ve given you some ways to get your affiliate links and products out there to a purchasing audience without having to build a website – as a recap:

  1. Post on blogs and forums
  2. Create an eBook or viral report
  3. Market through YouTube
  4. Write reviews or ads on classifieds websites
  5. Hubpages – create a Hub
  6. PPC

I have done all these (and still do) however my preferred means to building a sustainable business is always going to be building a website.

If the thought of this scares you and you wish someone would guide you through the process then take a look at this video and and learn how to earn a full-time income from home.

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