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Top Recommendation

So what is Wealthy Affiliate?

Simply – It Is A Program To Walk You Through Setting Up Your Own Online Business With Support and  Feedback –  All To Help You Create Passive Income 


How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

On a simplistic level Affiliate Marketing is where you are the ‘middleman’ between the vendor and purchaser.  All you are doing is promoting someone elses products to buyers.rsz_how_does_affiliate_marketing_work

Should a someone purchase a product through your promotion of the product – you receive a commission.

This sounds too easy right? Well, it is no different to any other transaction in the online or offline world.  Your supermarkets do the same, they promote products and people buy them and the supermarket gets a ‘cut’.

Is It Actually Possible to Make an Income This Way?

100%. The great thing about affiliate marketing is you don’t have to conceive, create or sell your own products – the hard work is already done for  you.  Affiliate marketers promote valuable information about somebody else’s product, and if after reading a review on the product someone goes on to purchase, then well done – you get a commission for your efforts.

Where most people get stuck is they don’t know where to start or think that because they have no ‘skills’ online they can’t do this! NOT TRUE – keep reading….

How to Begin Affiliate Marketing

I know this is your big question (or you wouldn’t be reading this page) .. Trust me I asked this question for years before coming across Wealthy Affiliate. I jumped on the chance to come on board for FREE and once on board and once I started creating my own websites (from scratch with no prior knowledge) I knew I was on the right track and haven’t looked back since)

So Who Is Behind Wealthy Affiliate?

Kyle & Carson are thKyle and Carsone entrepreneurs who created this community website, and their passion from the beginning was not to start a business for business sake –but for people’s sake – their focus is 100% in the right place!

Wealthy Affiliate will get you started on the track to building a business for yourself online – whether you are a stay at home mum, completely sick of your job or simply looking for a way to monetize your passions – absolutely look at Wealthy Affiliate as the way forward – if it sounds like I’m a fan – I am!!!


So How Does Wealthy Affiliate Work?

rsz_cert_1_wealthy_affiliateAt Wealthy Affiliate you will learn from the beginning (even with no prior knowledge) how to build a profitable website.  All you need is a computer, internet
access, a business mindset and some time.

You will get shown how to choose a niche for your business, obtain a domain name and hosting provider (but you can do both within WA if you wish, which will save you money in the long run); You will learn the basics of WordPress (the most common website platform available); You will choose the look of your site and most importantly will get teaching on how to rank in Google, use keywords and SEO.

You will have access to myriads of tutorials, classrooms, feedback, courses, training and a fantastically responsive community of like-minded people.  Also I have to give a shout out to the support team who have got me out of a pickle a number of times!


How Quickly Can You Get Up and Running?

I am a massive believer in taking responsibility for your own life, your own results and your own outcomes – so you won’t get a ‘sales pitch’ from me with over-inflated promises of riches.

Choosing to work as an online entrepreneur is a BUSINESS – you can do it as a hobby if you wish but the results will be far slower.

The same as any business offline – you  need to commit and take responsibility for your results.  If  you follow the simple steps provided by the course (and it IS simple) you will see results – how fast is completely up to you.

I currently work approx. 20 hours per week and earn a very very good income – I’m at the point of maintaining my sites and have a fantastic residual income coming in that allows me the freedom to travel, eat out, spend time with the family and at any stage I can do an extra promotion if I like to generate a bit more if needed.

BUT I worked diligently to get these results – I stayed focussed, I committed and I got involved with the community at Wealthy Affiliate.

Getting involved in the discussions lets you know you are not alone, that there are no ‘dumb’ questions and that this lifestyle is completely possible. You can follow other members, just like you would on Facebook. If you have questions, you simply ask.  You won’t find a better community anywhere on the net.  You can get as involved as you like.


Bottom Line:

In my opinion Wealthy Affiliate is definitely one of the best affiliate marketing opportunities you’ll be offered.  Wealthy Affiliate makes no promises – especially if you don’t put in the effort, however they know that if the correct training and coaching is provided and followed, the rewards will absolutely follow also.

So if you want to begin affiliate marketing – you have come to the right place – OH and it’s FREE to begin!


What Is Actually Inside The Site?  Good Question

As a free member you get access to the course that will allow you to get a free domain, a free website all the training to get you to the point of having a basic site online. You can ask questions and you can learn… it is genuinely as simple as that.

Obviously to continue your journey (as most of us do!) you will need to become a paid member, but trust me the cost savings on domains, hosting and training FAR outweigh you doing it on your own – I know because I did that and I was getting more and more frustrated with how much money I was forking out!

So How Much Does Wealthy Affiliate Cost?

 Nothing! A mentioned previously It’s FREE!

You can sign up to Wealthy Affiliate right now for $0. You will be given access to many of the areas that premium members have. Wealth Affiliate offers top notch free affiliate marketing training. My suggestion is to go as far as you can with the free course and then decide – but again I have to tell you, it WILL cost more doing it on your own.

If you go on to decide that Wealthy Affiliate will benefit your business then premium membership is only $47 per month. So basically it will cost half a cup of coffee per day!

This is a very acceptable cost if you compare it to other on-line courses or a university which could be upwards of $15,000 per year.

It is also possible to make your costs back by referring others to their program, it’s only takes 3 referrals and you will be paying your way. WA has a special bootcamp course to teach you how to do this. This is also a great way to learn how the affiliate marketing system all works and gives you a great introduction so you can go on to do the same with other products!


Worried About Your Lack of Knowledge?

Look you get so much ‘hand holding’ right from picking your niche to keyword research – this was one thing that scared the life out of me.  I honestly had no idea – but I LOVE it now and it is one of the things I’ve perfected through my training with WA and their Keyword Tool – it’s helped me make a lot of money!

DON’T ever let a lack of current knowledge stop you from moving forward
There Is ALWAYS An Answer

Wealthy Affiliates Keyword Tool is included in the membership package. Free membership will give you 30 searches. Go premium and it’s unlimited.

keyword tool


So, How Easy Is The Process of Affiliate Marketing?

A lot of people get put off from affiliate marketing as they feel there is too much competition already and that will make it difficult to grow a business…. WRONG!  There are over 3 billion people in the world and millions of products and niches – there is SO much space for us all – it certainly doesn’t scare me and it should only encourage you… if you have the right teaching, the right tools you too can get a part of the action!

build a business

Those Best Suited To Using Wealthy Affiliate Would Be People Who:

  • Want to work from home.
  • Want to earn an online income (or supplement an existing income).
  • Are budget-conscious.
  • Like a structured/ordered approach to training and learning.
  • Are new to making money online (and want to start from the beginning).
  • Want to be part of a supportive and like-minded community of individuals.
  • Are doers (they learn something and are then willing to take action).
  • Don’t want the hype (realise it takes time to build an online business and understand they won’t become a millionaire overnight).
  • Are pragmatic and understand that the more effort they put in the more money they’re likely to make online.

Online information is one of the fastest growing businesses in the world – this is definitely the time to jump on board and build a foundation for your business…

In saying this, you will need the proper Training – as with any business, you will need to learn the ropes – you need to learn how to work with keywords, how to get ranked on Google and other search engines, find images to use LEGALLY, write content and use Social Media to promote your sites/ products. All this is very involved and without an education and training you may find your efforts online unfruitful – and that’s NOT what we are here for – we’re here to earn money for the lifestyles we dream of…

The Inside Scoop

Below is a video that Kyle has compiled to show you some of the benefits of Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate Walk Through

Build A FREE WordPress Website

In Under 30 Seconds!

So, there’s no excuse not to get started…. You can get your own website up and running in less than a minute!  Check out how easy it is below with the Wealthy Affiliate SiteRubix Builder.

Set Up Your Own Website


5 Stand Out Qualities of Wealthy Affiliate:

  • It is Genuinely FREE to get up and running
  • The 2 sites you create through Wealthy Affiliate for  FREE are all yours to keep
  • Access to the Wealthy Affiliate community is ongoing – 24 hours 7 days a week
  • If you decide to go premium, there are no up-sells. The monthly cost stays the same – all inclusive!
  • They have an affiliate program that could take you to Las Vegas!



After years (and a lot of money) my conclusion is that Wealthy Affiliate is genuine, legitimate and if I’m any proof – it will get you to your destination of having a successful online business!

There is nothing to lose by signing up at with Wealthy Affiliate for free. I urge you to do so if you want to Begin Affiliate Marketing with integrity, and with all the training you could imagine. You will have a wealth of resources at your fingertips.

I hope I’ve shed some light on what wealthy affiliate is about.

Hopefully this information has helped you and I wish you all the very best with your future endeavours and hopefully we’ll connect in the Wealthy Affiliate community.

P.S. The best way by far to begin affiliate marketing is right at your fingertips

 Begin Affiliate Marketing Button

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