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Is Wealthy Affiliate For Real or Not?

 Name: Wealthy Affiliate
Price: $0 Starter Membership
Owners: Kyle & Carson
Overall Rank: 98 out of 100
Who it’s for: Newbie – Expert

Wealthy Affiliate was founded in 2005 by Kyle and Carson. It is an online community-based membership site which has become #1 in creating, growing, and promoting online business. Whether you’re a complete newbie or experienced with online marketing, Wealthy Affiliate sets you up and guides you through the process of building  your own online business – best of all the training enables you to go on and learn to duplicate and scale your business.

Here are the 2 guys behind the business – both of whom are very active on Wealth Affiliate and with the online community – now that’s impressive…



How Does Wealthy Affiliate Work?

Wealthy Affiliate Has Two Membership Options: Wealthy Affiliate Starter Membership

Starter Membership: As a starter member you join wealthy Affiliate for Free ($0)…no credit or debit card required, and no monthly charges.

When you join as a starter member, you will have access to all the premium membership privileges – that includes the community and live chat with 1,000’s of Wealthy Affiliate members including the owners (Kyle and Carson); access to all the classrooms, training, and help available from all the experienced members who are already running successful and prosperous online business.

As a starter member, you get premium privileges for 7 days.  This 7 days allows you the opportunity to know if Wealthy Affiliate is the right course for you.

After 7 days you still have access to the Wealthy Affiliate Platform without the premium privileges. That means you get limited help and communication – BUT you still keep your sites you started building!!!

Premium Membership: As a premium member you have unlimited access to everything Wealthy Affiliate has to offer.

That includes all the tools and help you need to build a successful online business. Upgrading to premium membership will cost $19 the first month, and then $47 every month after that.

Once you go premium, you have a yearly option which is $359 (that is $29 per month). I have run  my own websites before and cost of buying domains, hosting, getting help and all the other costs involved mounts up very quickly – Wealthy Affiliate’s platform is by far the most cost effective place to have your sites in one easy place and the support system is 2nd to none.

Who is Wealthy Affiliate For:

  1. For everyone- from Beginners to ExpertsWealthy Affiliate Success
  2. Those who want to make money online ‘successfully and with integrity’
  3. Students wanting to earn extra money
  4. Those who have tried all the scams
  5. Retirees  or Senior citizens looking to make extra money
  6. Stay at home Moms or Dads
  7. Online Merchants and Internet Marketers
  8. Those who want to build their own websites and information products
  9. Affiliate Marketers who want to promote other peoples products
  10. Those looking to earn Part time or Full time Income
  11. Passive or Residual Income seekers
  12. Laid off Employees
  13. Minimum wage workers
  14. High salary workers that want more than working for a ‘boss’

How Do You Make Money With Wealthy Affiliate?

There are a number of ways to earn money through Wealthy Affiliate:

1. You can monetize your passion! Choose something that interests you. If you don’t have a particular ‘passion’ you could choose a niche that you can write content on, build a website (very easy), get ranked and start earning Money.

With a website you can either create your own products or service OR you can promote other people’s products (affiliate marketing).

2: Wealthy Affiliate has an affiliate boot-camp program that you can be a part of and build a business with. Basically you promote Wealthy Affiliate and earn commissions should someone join… the training is simple and you will get satisfaction from creating your own site when it’s finished.

I Always stress, that this is not a ‘get rick quick scheme’  it is a legitimate BUSINESS – as with all business, you need to commit and see it through to fr
uition.  Just because it is online does not mean you will get rich overnight – if that is what you are looking for you may as well stop right now – in fact you won’t find that anywhere, I don’t care who makes you that promise – it’s not reality.

Reality is Wealthy Affiliate is a course – it’s meant to be followed, you will get unreal support and encouragement along the way and you will set up an online business – how successful it is will be 100% up to you.

I am a firm believer that you need to take responsibility for your own happiness and own earning ability – if you can do this then Wealthy Affiliate is the course for  you! The decision to succeed is in your hands. You get all the tools, tips, motivation you could possibly need. There is NOTHING stopping you from starting – and definitely no risk as it’s FREE!

With a positive attitude if you utilize all the tools at your disposal, failure is not an option, and success is not far fetched.

Is There A Contract With Wealthy Affiliate?

There is no contract with Wealthy Affiliate. You can leave and join whenever. As a premium member you can choose to stop your monthly payments and become a starter member, and as a starter member you can go premium anytime. You are not bound by any contract.

AreThere Any Cons to Wealthy Affiliate?


  • There can be ‘information overload’ and new members can be distracted if they don’t follow the “get started” tutorial.
  • Live chat can be addictive (trust me I know!)Sign Posts Wealthy Affiliate


  • Live 24/7/365 chat and support
  • 24/7/365 access to the whole community of experts (invaluable)
  • Video tutorials together with step-by-step instructions
  • Live question and answers
  • As a starter member you have two free websites and free hosting
  • Unlimited Cloud Hosting for your website
  • Over 2,400 website templates/themes for you to choose from
  • “Rapid Writer”, a content friendly system
  • Ability to add over 30,000 different “features” to your website.
  • Access to the Bootcamp
  • Chance to win a trip to Las Vegas and meet the team


You have nothing to lose by checking out Wealthy Affiliate – it’s pretty much laid out on a silver platter for you to try it risk free and cost free – if after you enjoy the system and are actually further ahead than where you are now – you may look at upgrading (which will definitely save  you a lot of money than if you do it  yourself).

Once you learn all you need and are confident in what you are doing there is nothing stopping you from trying other programs or other strategies, but it’s easier doing this once you have something already set up and making you money.

My suggestion – join Wealthy Affiliate for FREE, get a site or two up and running, benefit from the awesome community, earn money and scale.


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